Ten areas where Brazil excels that no other country does

Brazil, one of the liveliest countries on earth, is well-known for its spectacular Carnival celebrations and soccer grounds, but its true global leadership is in its joy and love of life.

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When the globe gathered in Rio de Janeiro in 2016 for the XXXI Olympiad, Brazilians were prepared at all times to assist the world unwind and enjoy something that had been absent for a while: fun.

Brazil excels in the following ten areas more than any other country:

1. Play

According to research, being fun exudes a charisma that people desire to emulate.

The ability to laugh at oneself, their situations, and political follies, as well as to invite others to join in on the joke, is a fundamental aspect of the Brazilian character.

Brazilians elected a clown to Congress a few years ago. The fact that he was a professional clown made him stand out. Francisco Everardo Oliveira Silva, better known in Portuguese as “Grumpy,” won with the catchphrase “It can’t get any worse.”

Yes, it did. The rest of the world may take a cue from Brazilians on how to live in the moment and set aside their troubles.

Whether they are enjoying soccer, volleyball, cycling, music, or just lounging at the beach, Brazilians strive to survive.

Playfulness produces observable positive affect indicators that are common in Brazil, such as a wry smile, excitement, or a sparkle in the eye. Because of its high contagiousness, tourists are eager to contract it.

2. Music that moves

Brazil boasts an unparalleled variety of musical genres, instruments, and rhythms, making it a music-loving paradise.

The world is familiar with bossa nova, a slower samba blended with American jazz and French impressionism, and samba, a fusion of European marches and African drumming.

However, the varied population of Brazil marches to the rhythm of several drummers.

Top Afro-Brazilian styles include frevo, which includes a fast-paced dance, lundu, axé, ijexá, maracatu, and afoxé, which serves as the soundtrack for the religious processions of candomblé.

Only in Brazil can one find instruments like the hilarious cuíca, a drum that mimics the sound of a dog in heat.

Additionally, surprising instruments like the banjo have been creatively included.

Brazil’s northeastern region is the source of the country-style beats used in the embolada, xote, and forró, three extremely popular dances.

3. Bountiful lunches

Lunch is dinner, a hangover from the Mediterranean regions that brought Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish people to Brazil. And a substantial meal at that.

Brazilian servings are known to be enormous, frequently surpassing the size of an average American plate. When your server gives you enough food for two people, it’s not a misunderstanding.

You should have a light breakfast since you will eat a lot more for lunch than you anticipated.

Brazilians avoid drowning their food in hot sauces that overpower taste. Indeed, they avoid spicy sauces in favor of delicious ingredients, with the exception of Bahians.

Super-thin beef strips and other carnivorous treats are their specialty. They are best enjoyed with rice, beans, and fried bananas, and accompanied by a beer or guaraná soda.

4. Partying

It’s commonly believed that Brazil would be unstoppable if its people could apply the ingenuity and hard work they put into their yearly Carnival extravaganza to business ventures.

Brazilians place a high value on celebration, whether it be small-scale backyard get-togethers or large-scale events.

They host the New Year’s Reveillon festival and Carnival, which makes New Orleans seem like minor league baseball. These are the two biggest parties in the world.

Approximately two million individuals swarm Rio’s beaches to see the magnificent Reveillon fireworks show.

Even at the Reveillon performances in tiny towns, they are not your typical 10- or 15-minute token displays of firepower; instead, they are prolonged displays that can run up to 30 minutes.

And the celebrations never end. Year-round celebrations are made possible by a multitude of religious festivals, a wealth of regional festivities, and strong support for the arts.

Highlights in Northeast Brazil include the Bumba Meu Boi festivals in São Luis and the forró music festival in Caruaru.

5. Plastic surgery

Given the abundance of beaches and lack of social stigma associated with bare skin, it is not unexpected that body beauty is a major concern in this country—and a very fulfilling one at that.

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Brazil surpassed the US in 2014 as the nation most frequently used for cosmetic surgery procedures.

More than 161,000 eyelid operations, 515,000 breast treatments, 129,000 belly button surgeries, 380,000 facial procedures, and 63,000 butt augmentations (a fast expanding market, no pun intended) were performed by Brazilian cosmetic surgeons. Brazil was responsible for about 13% of plastic surgery procedures performed worldwide.

Renowned architects Oscar Niemeyer and musicians Milton Nascimento are among the nation’s most revered figures, as is Ivo Pitanguy, the dean of Brazilian plastic surgery.

Pitanguy founded a program that provides the underprivileged with free or significantly reduced plastic surgery fifty years ago because he thinks that cosmetic surgery affects mental and spiritual health in addition to physical appearance.

In Rio, more than two dozen public hospitals have adopted similar programs for patients with little financial resources.

In Brazil, there is no social shame associated with cosmetic surgery, and individuals are candid about their operations and suggested physicians.

Surgeons here are of excellent quality, and costs are less than in the US. International medical tourists are drawn to the combination.

