How Does a Commercial Jelly Production Line Make Jelly Candy?

Step-by-step procedure for making jelly candies:

Read More: candy production line

Place the gelatin in water that is between 80 and 90 degrees Celsius, and then wait for it to fully dissolve.

Fill the cooker with sugar-glucose water. When the temperature reaches 114–120 degrees, cease heating. The syrup should then be pumped to the storage tank to cool, with a target temperature of around 70 degrees. Finally, it should be well mixed with the gelatin solution.

While transferring the combined syrup to the candy depositor hopper, pump the syrup into the mixer and add the color, taste, and acid.

automatically using a candy depositor to fill the molds.

Following the jelly or gummy deposit, the mold will be moved into a cooling tunnel, which will move continuously for 8 to 12 minutes at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees.

Automatic De-molding of Jelly/Gummy.

If necessary, coat the jelly/gummy with sugar or oil.

Place the completed jelly/gummy candy product in the drying area for eight to twelve hours.

Stuffing the jelly beans.

How Can I Assess a Jelly Making Machine’s Quality?

There are many vendors of jelly and gummy machines if you search for jelly or gummy production machines. Despite having a relatively similar exterior, the interior components quality and jelly candy production level of these machines varied greatly.

You may use the following criteria to make sure the jelly gummy maker can last for 15 to 20 years:

PLC-controlled automated candy mold lifting

You may easily produce another sort of jelly candy by just changing the jelly candy molds and recipe for your continued jelly candy manufacturing company.

Ask for continuous argon arc welding; the equipment you use to make jelly uses spot welding, not electro welding.

Imagine that if the jelly machine’s welding is subpar; it will leak and be unable to withstand water pressure testing.

Leakage is normal because the material is SS201 and the welding is not good.

The material, SS304, has excellent polishing and welding. Every jacket pipe has successfully passed water pressure testing. (Image on the right)

Request a fair connection with a safety cover for the entire jelly-making apparatus.

Inadequate welding and connections will cause the jelly-making apparatus to leak everywhere.

Well-welded, reasonably connected jelly-making apparatus, leak-proof, and equipped with a safety cover.

Reserved Space for the Jelly Candy

Its shelf life will be shortened and its mouthfeel will be diminished if jelly candy is subjected to high humidity levels, which will cause moisture migration of water molecules from the surrounding environment into the candy. What is the jelly candy’s shelf life, you might wonder?

The jelly candy has a six to twelve month shelf life, depending on how it was kept.

How should a maker of jelly candy store their product? How can jelly candy be preserved to keep it fresh?

Pack your jelly candies promptly as the drying procedure is complete.

It is best to store jelly candy somewhere dry, cold, and dark. It will last around a year if the packaging hasn’t been opened.

How the Jelly Candies Should Be Packaged

The ideal packaging should be striking and simple for stores to stock. Gummies don’t fit well in single or double twist packaging. Jelly candies are often packaged in one of three ways:

One pillow bag (FRU brand, samples from our India-based customer)

a bag packaging

A plastic container containing nutritious candies such as vitamin and organic candies (Samples from USA client, brand name Pharmvista)

How do these machines that package jelly sweets operate? Jelly candies are kept in a closed packet in all of these packagings for optimal protection against moisture loss.

There Are Two Upgrades That Could Happen During the Manufacturing of Jelly Candy

The majority of consumers enjoy trying out new tastes, so keep an eye on the latest trends in the jelly candy sector. with popular periodicals, Google, YouTube, Amazon, etc.

Keeping your jelly candy up to date with the newest styles by updating the formula. Take, for example, gummies containing (tetrahydrocannabinol) and (cannabidiol) CBD.

Replacing outdated jelly candy molds with new ones is known as “updating the jelly shapes.” Peppa Pig and PAW Patrol candy, for instance.

You can convert single-color jelly beans into double-colored ones by updating a few extras.

Preliminary Investors In The Jelly Making Machine Should Take Into Account Additional Relevant Suppliers

providers of raw materials, such as sugar, liquid glucose, gelatin, and suppliers of candy ingredients.

To dry the jelly candy before packing, use plastic trays.

providers of candy packaging machinery.

wrapping sheet for providers of jelly sweets.

Air compressor provider (air compressor used for the de-molding and packing stages).

Some manufacturers of jelly producing machines can provide the cooling tower together with the production line; however, for smaller lines, fan cooling may be used in place of the cooling tower.

Provider of steam boilers, ideal for large-scale industrial manufacturing lines producing jelly candies.

It is recommended that you select a proficient team capable of offering a turn-key project solution for the establishment of jelly candy production lines. This team should possess a one-stop operational resource that can handle all or portions of the manufacturing bases for candy packaging equipment and jelly candy equipment.

Additionally, the Chinese manufacturers and suppliers of the jelly candy producing machine will be a wise decision if you’re establishing or expanding your jelly candy business.

