Australharmony Biographical Register G Ga-gly

If our Kandy riflemen are to be impressed to deeds of arms by the strains of military music, they’ll hardly do higher than make their bands play the vigorous “March” of Mr. Gassner as usually as possible. Both its themes are good – a chic trio in A flat contrasting gracefully contrasting gracefully with the spirited subject upon which the March commences.

Isabella MELODIA

Observe the names of the company engaged. Madame Glogoski, Miss Bassmann, Paddy Doyle, Mr. Campbell, and Herr Glogoski, thus defying competition. The family later lived on the property “Wollong” in the Hunter Valley, the place Alfred recorded Marianne changing into his church organist (his journal, 30 July 1863).

Youth Compose And Report A Song In 2 Days

dearly liked aunt of Lucy, Florence, and Canon Homfray, aged 98 vears. On the sixteenth instant, at his residence, Branga Park, Walcha, New England, Francis Girard, Esq., aged 67 years. FRENCH LANGUAGE AND DANCING, QUADRILLES, COUNTRY DANCES, WALTZES, &c. TAUGHT AT No. four, MACQUARIE-STREET. MONSIEUR GIRARD, in presenting his sincere Thanks to the Public for the very liberal Encouragement which he has uniformly experienced, begs to counsel the Advantage which Ladies and Gentlemen would derive, by being furnished, a few Days earlier to any Ball,

The live performance which was announced to be given by St. Joseph’s Band within the City Park last evening, was postponed on account of the demise of Mr. Galvin, and the members have intimated that they may attend the funeral, which is to go away his late residence, Albert Place, Wellington-street, at three p.m. Deep regret was expressed in the neighborhood Paul MELODIA yesterday when it grew to become identified that Mr. Charles Galvin, a really widely-respected resident of Launceston, had handed away. The deceased had been ailing for some months, however his demise was not anticipated by his pals, for on Friday he left his room, though he was not in a place to attend to enterprise matters.

Witness – ERNEST W. Oldham, Solicitor, Adelaide. The Committee of the Gawler Institute have forwarded the music and poems which prizes have been awarded to Messrs. Penman & Galbraith, of Rundle-street, to be lithographed. We have heard that 1,000 copies are to be struck off. On Wednesday, the twenty eighth ultimo, by the Rev. John Gardiner, at his residence,

Now that they’re about, to depart us, we will only specific our remorse, and hope, as we imagine – that wherever they and their talented conductor go, they’ll win the identical heat esteem, appreciation, and respect they’ve gained in “Auld Reekie.” A charming set of waltzes, by M.

Canberra Citynews

A capital little soiree, obtained up in a quiet means by purely local co-operation, came off last evening on the Newtown Mechanics’ Institute . Mr. Stoneham, Mr. Gabb, and other musical notorieties had been in attendance, and took care to let the meeting be aware of them . The primary focus of the biographical register is musical personnel first active before the top of 1860,

Valse – “Southern Beauties,” Gassner; 5. Selection – “Un Ballo in Maschera,” Verdi; 6. Galop – “Military and Civil Races,” Gassner. The composer of the “Ode to Prince Alfred” and “The Southern Cross,” has simply issued another composition to the general public. Mr. C. W. Rayner, who for a while has been finding out the speculation of music with Gassner, now produces a new song entitled “There’s no such word as fail” . The death of Mr. A. Gaskarth, which occurred at Bundaberg on fifth instant, is an occasion which possesses melancholy curiosity for very many of our colonists.

The University Of Sydney –

taking half in marches, polkas, and other pieces with a spirit and a precision which mirrored very nice credit score on their kind teacher. Their smart new uniforms, and quite a few brass wind devices, imparted quite a festive air to the scene . Many of us recollect the old “Soldiers’ Chorus” (under Mr. Lyster) once we had Signor Gassner’s splendid band of the 50th marching on to the scene and enjoying their martial music to the accompanying refrain, and the “vivats” of the gang on the stage and within the auditorium . Many pre-existing works by Gassner additionally appear on the band lists for his band’s weekly outside performances within the Domain and Botanical Gardens,

Nearly 100 performers were on the platform, among whom I was pleased to discover a much bigger variety of women than on any former occasion. Mr. Jerson performed along with his usual capability. The preparations for the orchestra, underneath the able leadership of Mr. Gabb, were all that could be desired. Mr. Johnston and several of the band of the 40th Regiment were current, their help tending in no small degree to make the entertainment go off with appreciable eclat. Especial mention must be made from the able manner in which the solos have been rendered by Mrs. Testar, Mrs. Goodliffe, and Mr. Ewart;

Christ Church (St. Leonards). He soon took rank as one of first artistes of the colony. To avail himself of the very best musical culture, Mr. Gehde a while in the past left for the home-land of recent music – Germany – where for five years he studied under

