10 massage advantages you should be aware of

You’re undoubtedly interested in learning more about the advantages of massage if you clicked on this post. Perhaps as you read this, you’re trying to find out why your neck feels like it might break and your shoulders are hunched over. Or maybe you’re just one of those folks who enjoys getting massages. Many individuals love getting a nice massage once in a while, whether it’s a professional massage or a loving rubdown from someone they trust, including themselves. However, what precisely is a massage, are there many kinds, and what are the potential advantages of receiving one? In order to better grasp what you mean when you sigh and remark, “I could go for a massage right now,” we spoke with two massage professionals.

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A massage: what is it?

“The goal of massage therapy is to create a state of relaxation by methodically and strategically manipulating the soft tissues of the human body. It also helps to relieve pain, discomfort, anxiety, and fatigue,” board-certified therapeutic massage and bodywork specialist Christopher Deery explains to SELF.

According to Deery, this working definition encompasses a wide variety of massage methods and techniques.”Massage therapists can go and explore different types of knowledge to suit their own personal practice after graduating from massage school.” However, there are certain advantages to self-massage and couple massages, so if you’re interested and able, try them out during a pandemic.

These are ten advantages of massage.

You should definitely continue receiving massages in spa-like settings if you love them, as long as it’s safe to do so in the future. However, if you’re wondering if massages may assist people with various medical ailments, or if those amateur massages you like are actually making a difference, the answer is yes, sometimes.

But let’s not ramble too much. You should always seek medical assistance in addition to getting a massage, even if evidence suggests that massages have many health advantages. Furthermore, even if you’re just talking with a therapist to get self-massage tips, it’s best to see a professional if you’re looking to alleviate pain related to a medical condition. You might be able to manage an occasional headache by massaging your head or relieve a stomach ache by gently kneading your abdomen. Before scheduling a massage for a particular issue, you should also see your primary care physician or a specialist you visit for that condition. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that massage treatment can be beneficial for the following conditions:

1. Relaxation and stress alleviation

According to Deery, the main advantage of massage is stress alleviation. Anecdotal evidence indicates that massage treatment can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, but further study is necessary to determine the precise amount to which massage therapy reduces stress-hormones like cortisol.

2. Closeness between partners

It’s not only that physical contact feels pleasant. According to many studies, physical contact can reduce blood pressure and raise feel-good chemicals like oxytocin, as SELF has reported. Additionally, a brief 2020 research indicated that couples massages are advantageous for both the provider and the recipient and was published in the Journal of Health Psychology. Therefore, even if you’re not seeking medical attention, it would not be a terrible idea to get some massage oil and give your spouse a session to strengthen your relationship (or vice versa).

3. Relief from constipation

A stomach massage may help ease some of the discomfort associated with constipation or other digestive disorders. According to a 2016 research that was published in Gastroenterology Nursing, abdominal massages made patients who were experiencing constipation following surgery feel a bit better and were able to evacuate their stools.

4. Managing pain from fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia patients include symptoms related to mood, memory, sleep, and chronic pain. The Mayo Clinic states that massage therapy is a supplemental treatment for the illness, to be used in conjunction with medicine, counseling, and physical therapy, even if it is not a cure. However, bear in mind that, as the Mayo Clinic notes, massage treatment may occasionally exacerbate your discomfort. It’s recommended that you speak with your primary care physician about the possible advantages of massage therapy for fibromyalgia, and that you also make sure your massage therapist is aware of your illness.

5. Relieving tension headaches

According to the Mayo Clinic, a tension headache, also known as a concentration headache, might feel like a tight band is around your skull. The Mayo Clinic notes that although the exact origin of this type of headache is unknown, there is evidence that massages can help. It specifically relieves tension in the muscles of your head, neck, and shoulders, which may lessen the intensity of your headaches.

6. Stress-related insomnia

Massages, as we just discussed, have a favorable effect on stress, and reduced stress levels can promote sleep (though you should also look at other sleep hygiene practices, such as creating a nightly routine and cutting back on screen time).

7. Managing myofascial pain syndrome

According to the Mayo Clinic, myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disease in which strain on your muscles can create discomfort, often in unexpected areas. According to the Mayo Clinic, some patients find that having a physical therapist or massage therapist focus on the painful regions helps ease muscular tension, even though there is no known treatment for it.

8. Aches and strains in the muscles

A 2015 meta-analysis research published in Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal Medicine suggests that when your muscles are painful and inflammatory, a massage might assist increase blood flow to the region (and aid healing).

9. Short-term alleviation from joint and arthritic discomfort

According to the Mayo Clinic, arthritis causes joint edema and discomfort. According to the Mayo Clinic, blood rushes to your joints when your massage therapist kneads and soothes your muscles, which may offer some momentary comfort. Before your massage therapy session, let your therapist know that you have arthritis so they can discuss possible treatment plans.

10. Pregnancy-related circulation

Massage therapy can help with circulation during pregnancy, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Just be sure to consult your physician before scheduling a visit, and let your massage therapist know that you are expecting (even if it won’t show).

